Editing Generated Verilog Code


As of 13 Jul 2021 (GMT+8), you will need to modify a tiny portion of generated verilog code. This edit in only required for ASIC based designs only. We are working to fix it

Adder Generated Verilog Code Manual Change

Adder verilog code generated using the tool will look like below (width and size depends upon chosen options)

module hoaaned_32b10inacc
  input [32-1:0] a,      // to change
  input [32-1:0] b,      // to change
  output [33-1:0] sum    // to change

  wire n1;
  wire n2;
  wire n3;
  wire n4;
  wire n5;
  wire cout12;
  wire cout16;
  wire cout20;
  wire cout24;
  wire cout28;
  assign sum[0] = 1;    // to change
  assign sum[1] = 1;    // to change
  assign sum[2] = 1;    // to change
  assign sum[3] = 1;    // to change
  assign sum[4] = 1;    // to change
  assign sum[5] = 1;    // to change
  assign sum[6] = 1;    // to change
  assign sum[7] = 1;    // to change

you would need to modify the code accordingly to look like the one below.

module hoaaned_32b10inacc
  a,                            // changed
  b,                            // changed
  sum                           // changed
  input [31:0] a;               // changed
  input [31:0] b;               // changed
  output [32:0] sum;            // changed

  wire n1;
  wire n2;
  wire n3;
  wire n4;
  wire n5;
  wire cout12;
  wire cout16;
  wire cout20;
  wire cout24;
  wire cout28;
  wire net[7:0];                // changed
  TIEH_HVT gate1(net[0]);       // changed
  TIEH_HVT gate2(net[1]);       // changed
  TIEH_HVT gate3(net[2]);       // changed
  TIEH_HVT gate4(net[3]);       // changed
  TIEH_HVT gate5(net[4]);       // changed
  TIEH_HVT gate6(net[5]);       // changed
  TIEH_HVT gate7(net[6]);       // changed
  TIEH_HVT gate8(net[7]);       // changed
  assign sum[7:0] = net[7:0];   // changed

Multiplier Generated Verilog Code Manual Change

Multiplier verilog code generated using the tool will look like below (width and size depends upon chosen options)

module aam_01_V_7_8x6
  input [8-1:0] a,      // to change
  input [6-1:0] b,      // to change
  output [14-1:0] p     // to change

  wire w71;
  wire w62;
  wire w72;
  wire w53;
  wire w63;
  wire w73;
  wire w44;
  wire w54;
  wire w64;
  wire w74;
  wire w35;
  wire w45;
  wire w55;
  wire w65;
  wire w75;
  wire s_26;
  wire c_26;
  wire s_35;
  wire c_35;
  wire s_36;
  wire c_36;
  wire s_44;
  wire c_44;
  wire s_45;
  wire c_45;
  wire s_46;
  wire c_46;
  wire s_53;
  wire c_53;
  wire s_54;
  wire c_54;
  wire s_55;
  wire c_55;
  wire s_56;
  wire c_56;
  wire c_63;
  wire c_64;
  wire c_65;
  assign p[0] = 1;      // to change
  assign p[1] = 1;      // to change
  assign p[2] = 1;      // to change
  assign p[3] = 1;      // to change
  assign p[4] = 1;      // to change
  assign p[5] = 1;      // to change
  assign p[6] = 1;      // to change
  assign p[7] = 1;      // to change

you would need to modify the code accordingly to look like the one below.

module aam_01_V_7_8x6
  a,                    // changed
  b,                    // changed
  p                     // changed
  input [7:0] a;        // changed
  input [5:0] b;        // changed
  output [13:0] p;      // changed
  wire w71;
  wire w62;
  wire w72;
  wire w53;
  wire w63;
  wire w73;
  wire w44;
  wire w54;
  wire w64;
  wire w74;
  wire w35;
  wire w45;
  wire w55;
  wire w65;
  wire w75;
  wire s_26;
  wire c_26;
  wire s_35;
  wire c_35;
  wire s_36;
  wire c_36;
  wire s_44;
  wire c_44;
  wire s_45;
  wire c_45;
  wire s_46;
  wire c_46;
  wire s_53;
  wire c_53;
  wire s_54;
  wire c_54;
  wire s_55;
  wire c_55;
  wire s_56;
  wire c_56;
  wire c_63;
  wire c_64;
  wire c_65;
  wire net[7:0];            // changed
  TIEH_HVT gate1(net[0]);   // changed
  TIEH_HVT gate2(net[1]);   // changed
  TIEH_HVT gate3(net[2]);   // changed
  TIEH_HVT gate4(net[3]);   // changed
  TIEH_HVT gate5(net[4]);   // changed
  TIEH_HVT gate6(net[5]);   // changed
  TIEH_HVT gate7(net[6]);   // changed
  TIEH_HVT gate8(net[7]);   // changed
  assign p[7:0] = net[7:0]; // changed